Take care of your kidneys
By John Kokales, MD When I was in practice, I used to ask my patients, “How are all your parts doing?” I said this to introduce the idea that the whole (you) is the sum of all your parts. As such, a...
View ArticleWork with your primary care doctor
If you have a physical health problem and a behavioral health problem, you might have to go to two different doctors for help with these problems. So it is important that you and your doctors work...
View Article7 ways to take your medication right
“Medication adherence” means using a medicine the way your doctor recommends. Here are seven ways to help you get the full benefit from the medications your doctor prescribes: Tell your doctor if you...
View ArticleEOBs make your insurance easier to understand
An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is the notice you receive after a hospital or doctor visit that tells you the cost of care and how much you owe (if anything). EOBs make it easy to track when you reach...
View ArticleWomen’s Health Week: 20 ways to take time for your health
Ladies, Women’s Health Week is all about you and your whole health and wellness. Spending time with loved ones, raising a family, and having success in your career — all keep you busy. But without...
View ArticleA Balancing Act
With the hustle and bustle of fall approaching, it can seem like those relaxing summer days are ending. But just because the temperature is dropping a little doesn’t mean that life balance should drop...
View ArticleLife Balance Q&A
Q: I hate going to gyms. How can I still get in my physical activity? A: Try a pedometer! Devices like the Fitbit are great tools to keep track of our steps throughout the day. They can even be a fun...
View ArticleVaccines: Not just for kids anymore
Fact is, adults need vaccines too. National Immunization Month is the perfect time to make sure you and your family are up to date on all of your vaccines. Regardless of your age, vaccines keep you...
View ArticleStaying healthy at school (and home!)
UPMC AnywhereCare offers fast relief from sniffles, tummy aches, and more Going back to school is such an exciting time for kids. New teachers. New subjects. New friends. Too bad about the sniffles,...
View ArticleWe’re here for you
Health coaching is available to help you lower your cholesterol. And it’s free for UPMC Health Plan members! You can work with a health coach to eat healthier, lose weight, exercise more, or quit...
View ArticleIs a CSA right for you?
Did you make a resolution to eat healthier in 2016? Are you interested in having fresh foods in your home more often? Are you concerned with where your food comes from or the practices by which it was...
View ArticleCSA Q&A
Q1. How can I find a local CSA? A. You can visit http://www.localharvest.org/csa/ to find a CSA in your area. Q2. What if I do not want to commit to a CSA? A. Visit your local farmers market. It’s a...
View ArticleGetting care: It’s important to understand where you can go to seek care.
Where you go for care depends on whether it’s planned or unplanned. Planned care is when you make an appointment well in advance to see a provider. Unplanned care is trickier because it means a health...
View ArticleUPMC Health Plan — Maternity First steps to a healthy pregnancy
Are you or someone you know expecting a baby? As a member of UPMC Health Plan, you can connect with a maternity health coach through the UPMC Health Plan Maternity Program to help you have the...
View ArticleHow to choose the best sunscreen
With changing ingredients and labels, finding the right sunscreen can be confusing! So how do you know which kind is best sunscreen for you? Here are five things to check when you buy your next...
View ArticleFinancial Wellness
Money doesn’t grow on trees, that is, unless you are in the lumber industry then you might consider the saying true. We work to earn the money that supports our lives and often families. Hopefully...
View ArticleTake charge of your health
Two tools to make the best medical decisions for you and your family When you make a buying decision, chances are you go online to research your options, compare costs, and see how others rated their...
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